
ダイソンの開発キーマンにインタビュー 日本市場攻略の秘訣やカリスマ創業者の魅力を語る(英文付き) (1/4ページ)

 英ダイソンが今月12日、部屋全体の空気を徹底的にきれいにする空気清浄ファン「ダイソン・ピュア・クール」を日本で発売した。商品発表会のため来日したヘルス&ビューティー部門バイス・プレジデントで製品開発責任者のポール・ドーソン氏はSankeiBizの単独インタビューに応じ、管理職の立場から同社の強みや求める人材、創業者であるジェームズ・ダイソン氏について語った。(聞き手 大竹信生/SankeiBiz)


 (What brought you to the company, Dyson?)


 (I've been at Dyson 18 years so it was a long time ago. I've always been keen on engineering, so I was looking to work for a company who would allow me to develop great new products and be hands-on. 18 years ago, Dyson was a very small company, but I researched them a little bit. I understood that they said like "We really think engineers are great", "We want engineers to come and make mistakes, learn, develop and grow". They encouraged engineers to get hands-on and make things and try things. We have a little saying in engineering like "Design, Make, Test, Break" and I could do all of that within Dyson. That's one of the core beliefs and I thought that sounds exactly what I wanna do. I've stayed there 18 years because it's been so interesting, and every week is different and new.)


 (Dyson is a very famous company. But also, there are many famous manufacturers in Japan and around the world with a high level of technology. If you were to describe what is unique about Dyson, what is it that distinguishes and separates Dyson from others?)


 (I think one of our core mantras at Dyson is that we solve problems that others ignore. Our Air-Purification test matrix that we talked about today, is one of the examples that whenever we are looking at developing products, we start with our home user experience. We don't start with standards or tests, but we actually start with what do we want consumers to have in their home and that is the best possible experience. Just because it's difficult, it doesn't mean that Dyson won't try to do it. We solve those problems that other people ignore, and we do it in a way which is completely different. We'll completely reinvent again in order to get best possible solution. Another great example is our Supersonic. If you asked anyone to design a hairdryer, they'll design one that looked exactly the same as everyone else's hairdryer. But we completely re-thought and re-engineered everything because we started with the consumer experience first and then let the product form around that.)




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